Cleansing your aura of negative energy is so important because we are constantly exposed to it in our daily lives from all directions. We can pick up negative energy from work, at home, from our relationships, or even just from being around someone who is very negative. If you are constantly carrying all this negativity around it can become such a burden and can have serious detrimental effects on your health and happiness. Cleansing your aura will leave you feeling rejuvenated and like a brand new person. This article is a guide on how to cleanse your aura and remove negative energy.
1. Practice Meditation
The first effective method of cleansing your aura of negative energy is to meditate. Meditation focuses your mind and consciousness and allows you to create space inside yourself to let in positive energy, whilst at the same time, expelling all the negative energy that has crept in. There are various forms of meditation and if you have a preferred meditation practice that works for you then take some time to cleanse your aura of negative energy and restore the balance of your body, soul, and mind. If you have never meditated before, sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes, and just focus on your breath. Try to elongate the inhale and exhale and to keep a clear mind as you follow your breath. Negative energy gains momentum and strength if it starts to affect your thoughts and mood but meditating keeps your mind quiet and promotes a calm, positive mood.
2. Sleep with Cleansing Wood or Herbs Inside your Pillow
There are many wonderful substances that you can put inside your pillow that help aura cleansing and will help to remove negative energy as you sleep. Certain woods like sandalwood and pine and herbs like sage and rosemary not only promote a good night’s sleep but help to expel negativity throughout the night and leave you feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally refreshed the next morning. Do some research about the spiritual and healing properties of different woods and herbs and try out different combinations to see what effect they have on you. Discovering new herbs and woods that really work for you is a wonderful journey and can provide incredible spiritual benefits. As well as sleeping with wood and herbs inside your pillow you can also try smudging. Smudging is when you burn special woods and herbs so that the smoke cleanses your aura. Different woods and herbs have different powers like the ability to lessen anxiety, create a more positive outlook, and repair tears in your aura.
3. Drink Cleansing Water
One really effective way to cleanse your aura and remove negative energy in the morning is to wake up and make yourself a tall glass of fresh water that is infused with different herbs and other ingredients. There are so many different ingredients that can promote positive energy and will help to cleanse your aura. Mint leaves, rosemary, and cucumber are all fresh and cleansing and will help to flush out bad toxins and energy which can cause you real harm. Ginger and lemon will rejuvenate you and give your immune system a boost first thing in the morning which will help to keep you healthy and happy throughout the day. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to ensure that all toxins remain flushed out and this will give you more space for positive energy which will help to sustain a flawless aura.
4. Take a Cleansing Bath
Another wonderful way to remove negative energy is to flush it out by taking a cleansing bath. Warm water helps your muscles and nerves to relax and if you add some special oils to the water then they will have incredible aura cleansing effects. As with the herbs and ingredients that you add to your drinking water, there are so many different oils that you can add to your bathwater and that have different healing and cleansing properties. Lavender is great for relaxation, rose oil promotes positivity and love, and citrus oils reinvigorate and refresh you as you bathe.
It is so important to remove negative energy that can build up inside you and cleanse your aura regularly. A cleansed aura and positive energy will keep you healthy in mind, body, and soul and stop anxiety and stress from taking hold. Modern life has so many difficulties and these can create such bad negative energy that it can be overwhelming. If you need help cleansing your aura, try out some of the suggestions in this article and you will see some incredible results.
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