Mandisa Nduna speaks out on experiencing s.e.xual harassment in the entertainment industry

Seems like the courageous act of Lithapo actress Lorraine Moropa speaking against s.e.xual harassment in the workplace has helped a lot of other women in the industry feel free to share stories of their own.

Recently, actress Mandisa Nduna shared her experience with the s.e.xual harassment she has endured at the hands of directors, co-actors and even funders, whom she chose not to name.

Taking to Twitter, she shared her stories sharing the same sentiment with other actresses who have exposed perpetrators who have continued to violate them on production sets.

Speaking from her own personal experience, the star wanted to make it clear that the harassment they endured had nothing to do with what they were wearing at the time and the perpetrators could not care less that you are not interested in them.

“I can tell you it’s not about how we dress on set or if we’re even interested in men at all. Predators don’t care. I’ve been harassed by directors, actors and even funders! Groped, cornered, you name it. You’re threatened with blacklisting if you make noise,” she wrote.

Mandisa Nduna

See her post here:

She added saying everyone on set was aware of the s.e.xual harassment acts, but mostly opted to say nothing because they don’t want to lose their jobs.

“You’re really scum if you as an actor pretend you don’t know what’s happening. You know, crew knows. But people keep quiet because they don’t want to lose their jobs. They let s.e.xual harassment and r@pe happen. Sometimes they even laugh.”

Mandisa ended her series of tweets by recalling one particular incident that happened to her back in 2014, when she was s.e.xually harassed by a director of a show she was a part of.

“I’ve tweeted about this experience before. I was s.e.xually abused by a director back in 2014 or so. He asked everyone to leave the room and cornered me and groped me. When I told the producer, his wife, what happened, they decided not to pay me. We are not protected,” she said.


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