New Deadpool movie concept that will blow your mind away!

The world of acquisitions and franchise ownership is confusing, especially with Disney buying up every hot property it can set its mousy eyes on. The X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Deadpool are some of the largest marquee franchises the House of Mouse now owns after acquiring 21st Century Fox’s assets. But where is Deadpool 3 and why isn’t it being fast-tracked?

Well, if you love explosions, boy do we have some good news for you. Michael Bay is reportedly in talks to direct a very…let’s just say, strange, Deadpool movie. It’s rumored to be based on a concept that Ryan Reynolds pitched in 2019: the idea of Deadpool killing Fox’s Marvel Universe.

But while Marvel Studios have yet to reveal their hand, Reynolds and his take on the Merc with a Mouth have already been accounted for by Kevin Feige and co., with big plans reportedly in the works for the antihero. For one, we know that he’ll be introduced as a supporting character with a significant role in Spider-Man 5 and 6.

What’s more is that we’ve also heard he could be showing up in two Phase 4 movies to set up his eventual standalone threequel, with both Thor: Love and Thunder and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness said to have space for the Merc. And that’s without even mentioning that Marvel is apparently planning at least three solo movies for the character as well.

But the questions remains: will Deadpool be neutered by Disney going forward, or will he still bring the same brand of zany humor that fans loved from the previous movies? That’s still yet to be seen, but as Phase 4 is set to usher in a new era of heroes, hopefully we’ll get the answer soon.

Main Image: NPR

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