Actress Linda Mtoba shames Woman hating on her after receiving flowers from Hubby

Linda Mtoba recently found herself having to put a troll in it’s place when the actress posted a message on Twitter where she shared what her husband gifted her on the morning of Women’s day.

Linda Mtoba

The actress shared that she and her daughter woke up to flowers from her hubby as she wrote:

“My husband woke me up with flowers for myself & bean”

A tweep seemed not to like what the actress had written and replied to her by saying:

“Singenaphi” which translates to English as “how does that concern us”

Mtoba did not take this lying down as the actress replied the tweep and wrote:

“Vele uvume ukuthi unomona oe. Straight.Nawe uyothandwa ngelinye ilanga yezwa” which translates to English as “Just admit you are jealous. One day you will also be loved”

The River actress would not let anyone rain on her parade as she always gives her fans life updates. The actress and her husband are also couples goals and recently Mtoba opened up in an interview with Move magazine on how she met her husband and what he seems to her. She also talked about her adorable daughter Baby Bean and career.

Linda Mtoba


In other news – Jub Jub attacks TK Nciza back

Remember when Jub Jub‘s bodyguards manhandled Jahman a cheater from last week’s episode? Viewers were not happy about the lack of respect and dignity awarded to cheaters. Among the disgruntled masses was, TK Nciza who said the show was fake.

Jub Jub attacks TK Nciza back

He said it was all an act and that he would show the bodyguards who is boss if they ever tried anything with him. “This show is fake never. Even the vulnerable have family that can protect them. It’s acting all of this. continue reading

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