Nehawu says 3 months suspension without pay for Limpopo HOD a slap on the wrist

Nehawu has reacted with outrage following Limpopo Premier Stan Mathabatha decision to impose a three months suspension without pay for Public Works HOD Timothy Seroka after he was found guilty of having used government funds for his personal needs.

Nehawu provincial secretary Jacob Adams reacting today said his union has learnt with shock and disappointment that Premier Mathabatha has decided to only suspend the Head of Department for only three months without pay after looting the public purse.

Adams said the strategic position that Mr Seroka occupies as Head of Department means that he is the custodian of Public Finance Management Act [PFMA] and all departmental policies that forges and promotes clean, ethical and accountable administration. Unfortunately, the same very custodian pillaged R11000.00 for petty cash to buy breakfast, lunches, sweets and drinks for himself at the expense of the taxpayers of Limpopo.

“During the state of the province in February 2020 the premier announced that “corruption is another impediment to development. It is for this reason that we will not relent in our commitment to fight corruption in all its manifestations.

“ We will continue to take decisive action against those who are engaged in corruption and maladministration. This, we will do without regard to a person’s status in society or influence” Adams said.

He, however, maintained that the handling of Seroka’s matter was not consistent with the assertion made by the Premier in February saying they had expected the Premier not to use kid’s gloves in handling those fingered in corruption and maladministration.

He added: “We believe this would have been a great opportunity to send a stern message to the people of Limpopo that their government does not tolerate corruption. We are therefore nicely requesting the Premier to transfer Mr Seroka elsewhere in his provincial administration because he has been unable to set a clear example with him.”

He said Nehawu reiterates its disappointment again in the office of the Premier as their decision came just a few days after the departure of the last Rivonia Trialist Andrew Mlangeni, who used to chastise individuals who steal from the poor and turning departments into their cash overdraft facilities without repayments.

“We ponder into disgruntlement as to whether our heroic leader would be proud of the decision taken by the Premier of Limpopo,” Adams said.


In other news – There is more to the Norma Gigaba story – Hawks who arrested her speak out

There is more to the Norma Gigaba story than what is currently in the public domain, according to the Hawks.

Norma Gigaba

It’s reported that former Cabinet Minister Malusi Gigaba had in May opened a case after he was tipped-off that an alleged hit on his life was in the pipeline. On Friday, his wife was dramatically arrested and held in a Pretoria jail cell. continue reading

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