Now is not the time to let down our guard, says President Ramaphosa


As of today, South Africa has recorded more than half a million confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

Of the cumulative total of 503,290 cases, 342,461 people have already recovered and 152,676 cases are currently active.

The global coronavirus pandemic is the most serious public health crisis that the world has faced in over a century. On every continent, nations have struggled to contain the spread of the virus and to contend with its effects.

In our own country, 8,153 people are known to have lost their lives, and the actual number of deaths due to the virus is likely to exceed this figure. We deeply mourn this loss and offer our sympathies to the families and friends who are in grief.

Promising signs in rate of transmission

After a rapid rise in infections over the last two months, the daily increase in infections appears to be stabilising, particularly in the Western Cape, Gauteng and Eastern Cape. While it may be too soon to draw firm conclusions, this suggests that the prevention measures that South Africans have implemented are having an effect.

Our recovery rate is currently around 68%. Our case fatality rate – which is the number of deaths as a proportion of confirmed cases – remains at 1.6%, significantly lower than the global average.

While South Africa has the fifth-highest number of total COVID-19 cases globally, we have only the 36th highest number of deaths as a proportion of the population. For this, we are grateful to the work of our health professionals and the innovative treatments they have pioneered.

Before the advent of the epidemic in South Africa, government set in motion a strategy to respond swiftly and comprehensively to protect as many lives as possible.

The national lockdown succeeded in delaying the spread of the virus by more than two months, preventing a sudden and uncontrolled increase in infections in late March. Had South Africans not acted together to prevent this outcome, our health system would have been overwhelmed in every province. This would have resulted in a dramatic loss of life.

Preparing for peak in infections

Over the past few months, we have undertaken an unprecedented mobilization of resources to prepare our country for the inevitable increase in cases.

In every province, hospitals were reorganized and readied to manage an influx of patients. Government provided training for health personnel, distributed large quantities of personal protective equipment, and put in place systems to monitor outbreaks and respond quickly.

Field hospitals have been constructed across the country, including in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Nelson Mandela Bay and Pietermaritzburg. These facilities continue to be essential in providing adequate care to those who need it.

In certain cases, these efforts were not enough. Several public hospitals in the Eastern Cape were overwhelmed as infections rose in the province, and a specialist team has been deployed to address this challenge.

In other provinces hard-hit by the epidemic, including the Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, the health system has so far had sufficient capacity to cope with the number of admissions. This is a testament to the efforts of doctors, nurses, public health specialists and others who have worked hard to prepare for this moment. We need, however, to continue with these efforts to further increase the capacity of our health facilities.

Additional facilities, equipment and personnel are being deployed in provinces still experiencing an increase in infections.

Innovative use of South African skills and capabilities

During this month, the National Ventilator Project will deliver 20,000 locally-produced, non-invasive ventilators to where they are most needed. A dedicated team drawn from several institutions, led by the Biovac Institute, is preparing to manufacture doses of a successful vaccine locally.

We are working hard to fix the logistical and other problems that have led to a shortage of personal protective equipment for health workers and other frontline staff in several parts of the country. We understand the concerns and the frustrations of these essential workers and are committed to resolving this issue with the greatest urgency.

We have empowered our law enforcement to investigate all reports of alleged corruption and irregularities in the procurement of medical and other supplies. It is unconscionable that there are people who may be using this health crisis to unlawfully enrich themselves.

We should be proud of the many hospitals that are providing a high quality of care to patients; the determined adherence of most South Africans to basic precautions; and the extraordinary commitment of individuals and organisations throughout society to combat the virus together.

Prevention through individual and collective action

While there are promising signs, now is not the time to let down our guard. We have to continue to work together to reduce the number of new infections.

As with many other countries across the world, we need to continually adjust the measures we take to prevent new outbreaks or to safeguard our health system. We have already seen, for example, that the suspension of alcohol sales has significantly reduced the trauma cases in our health facilities. While these changes can be disruptive to people’s lives and to the economy, it is necessary that we adapt to the changing path of the disease.

We must maintain our vigilance until we have no more coronavirus cases in our country. If we do not do so, there is the risk of a resurgence in those areas where the virus has now begun to stabilize.

Above all, we need to continue to follow prevention measures to reduce the rate of infection and flatten the curve. By wearing a mask correctly, keeping a distance of two metres from other people, and washing our hands regularly, we can protect ourselves, our families, friends, co-workers, fellow commuters and neighbours.

If we all continue to act together, we can eradicate coronavirus in our country.

I call on every South African to remain strong and steadfast in these most difficult times.

Stay safe and protect South Africa.


In other news – There is more to the Norma Gigaba story – Hawks who arrested her speak out

There is more to the Norma Gigaba story than what is currently in the public domain, according to the Hawks.

Norma Gigaba

It’s reported that former Cabinet Minister Malusi Gigaba had in May opened a case after he was tipped-off that an alleged hit on his life was in the pipeline. On Friday, his wife was dramatically arrested and held in a Pretoria jail cell. continue reading

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