Reality TV star Inno Matijane joins Rhythm City

Reality TV star and model Inno Matijane has bagged himself his first acting gig.

Inno, who stars in the Moja Love reality TV show The Way Ngingakhona, will make his debut on Rhythm City on Friday, 18 December.

The excited star shared on Twitter the news with his fans, who congratulated him.

He said this was his first acting gig and he’s nervous about it.

“I can’t believe a whole me is going to be on Rhythm City in a few days,” he wrote.

“First acting gig and it’s on the show I grew up watching. So damn surreal. I’m so nervous, I won’t lie. Everything is possible with God.”

The PR team confirmed the news of Inno joining the soapie.

They told the local publication Inno will be a receptionist at a new place that’s being introduced.

He doesn’t have a character name because it’s a minor role.

“Inno will play a receptionist at a spa therapy establishment to a masseuse specialist by the name of Katarina. That’s where Sabelo will eventually find employment,” they said.

-daily sun

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Samkelo Ndlovu and rapper Moozlie

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