Thirty-six months to get Prasa back on track

While Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula’s press conference to outline plans on how his department intends to deliver on the Performance Agreement he has entered into with President Cyril Ramaphosa was cancelled on Monday, a union has noted it would take at least 36 months for the rail system to get back on track.

Tinzi Lubabalo, SA Transport and Allied Workers Union national sector coordinator at Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa), said the union attended a meeting where the damaged infrastructure was among the urgent topics that were discussed.

“Since then we have been waiting to hear confirmation of what was concluded in the meeting from Prasa,” said Lubabalo.

Prasa was unable to respond at the time of going to print.

Lubabalo said the union does not have faith in any of the rescue plans from Mbalula, considering his failed war room.

He said Prasa had more than one problem to rectify and that a period of 36 months was necessary to fix all the problems.

United National Transport Union’s communication and media liaison officer Sonja Carstens said: “We don’t have faith in Mbalula’s latest plan to deliver where Prasa is concerned.

“Prasa has been going through a process of restructuring for the past five years with no success.”

-The Citizen

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