Dr Makhosi Khoza to appear before State Capture Commission

The Commission of Inquiry into allegations of State Capture resumes its hearings on Thursday morning. Taking the stand today is former African National Congress (ANC) Member of Parliament Dr Makhosi Khoza who will give evidence related to Parliamentary Oversight.

The Commission will also hear evidence from the DA’s former Member of the Portfolio Committee on Transport from Manny de Freitas and Parliamentary Engagement Manager at the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse Matt Johnston.

Makhosi Khoza

Earlier this week, the Commission heard how Bosasa and its subsidiaries Phezulu and Sondolo continued to receive contracts despite concerns raised as early as 2008.

In his testimony, Democratic Alliance (DA) MP and member of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, James Selfe said the Department of Correctional Services continued to renew the contracts after the SIU flagged serious tender irregularities and the Auditor General and Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) raised concerns.

Meanwhile, former Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) chairperson, Themba Godi, told the Commission that the lack of monitoring mechanisms rendered the work of Parliament’s Standing Committee on public accounts futile.

On Tuesday, former chairperson of Parliament’s Public Enterprises Portfolio Committee, Zukiswa Rantho, explained that committees have limited influence on their own agendas.

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Source: sabcnews

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