WC teacher stabbed 24 times in her classroom speaks, hopes to inspire others with healing

A Western Cape teacher who was stabbed 24 times in her classroom by her boyfriend last month, says her near-death experience has given her a new lease on life.

Erin Fourie, 30, a teacher at Worcester Secondary School was stabbed on Friday, November 5, in her classroom. The stabbing happened between 11 am and 12 pm – in broad daylight.

Speaking to IOL, she that said before the incident, Wilmur Valentine, 26, called her and he told her to have a nice day and stated that he loved her.

Fourie said she and Valentine had agreed to speak later on that day to iron out issues they had been having in their relationship which led her to move out of their house and back in with her father.

“About 45 minutes after we spoke he arrived at my class. I didn’t make any eye contact but knew he had a white cap on. He asked me one question: ‘baby, are you really not coming home?’ I answered no and he took out a weapon. To be honest I do not know if it was a knife or what,” she said.

He then started stabbing her continuously.

“I fought him. My table is not far from the classroom door and I tried to get to the door handle.

“I kicked, pushed him away but he kept on stabbing.

“He would probably have stabbed me more times if he was not slipping in my blood. I shouted for him to stop. I told him I would come home but he just carried on stabbing me. “The man who attacked me was not the man I know.

“He only stopped when a colleague opened the door after hearing the commotion. I believe she was my guardian angel that day,” Fourie said.

Valentine immediately panicked and fled the scene.

Fourie’s colleagues all raced to help her as she lay in a pool of her own blood and she said the only words she could utter at that time was “God help me”.

“One thing I am grateful for is that just on that day, none of my pupils pitched to my class. My class can be seen from the street and I assume he must have been watching me.

“He stabbed me 24 times. I had stab wounds to my head, thighs, stomach – this was the biggest concern as my intestines were hanging out – arms, chest, neck, shoulders, and back.

“I am now on the path to healing. I am a warrior not a victim. I am attending counselling sessions, doing meditation which are all part of my healing.

“I know there’s a reason I was granted a second chance. I know without a doubt I have a higher purpose. I am thankful for all the prayers and well wishes from everyone. My pupils have been visiting me and bringing gifts. They miss me,” Fourie said.

The teacher said she could never have foreseen this happening as Valentine always treated her well.

“I could never have imagined this. He always treated me well. He worshipped the ground I walk on but one thing he always said was: ‘I refuse to live without you, life or death’.

“The healing has not been easy but I now want to use this and fight for women going through this. I want to be an ambassador for those victims of domestic violence, gender-based violence. I want to assist them, help with the healing,” Fourie said.

Valentine has since been arrested by police and is expected to appear in court for his bail application on Monday.

Fourie is adamant that the law needs to run its course and Valentine needs to suffer the consequences for his actions. All she wants now is for the court not to grant him bail.

“I do not want him to get bail. I know he will come for me again. He will not leave me alone,” she added.

Pupils and educators at the school are also receiving trauma counselling after the ordeal.

Fourie will be returning to the school next year.


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