Gugu Gumede Biography: Husband, Family, Child, Net Worth, Uzalo, Pictures


Gugu Gumede (born 10 December 1991) is a South African actress best known as Mamlambo from Uzalo. She captured the heart of many who viewed the show.

The beautiful actress also made many viewers fall in love with not only her beauty but her personality.

She hails from a family that has influenced her, her mother is a popular figure in politics. Gugu’s mother was active in freedom fighting. 

Gugu Gumede
Gugu Gumede biography
Gugu Gumede is a South African actress. Many lovers of Mzansi soap operas have fallen in love with her after she played Mamlambo in Uzalo.
Background Information
Name: Gugu Gumede
Parents: Mr. Simon Hulumeni Gumede, Mrs. Zanele kaMagwaza
Born: 10 December 1991 (age 30)
Place of Birth: Kwazulu-Natal
Education: Acting and Drama
Alma mater: American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Los Angeles
Nationality: South African
Ethnicity: Black
Boyfriend • Spouse: Not Married
Occupation: Actress
Net Worth: $600,000-$800,000
Profile: Instagram

Early Life

Gugu Gumede was born into the family of Mr. Simon Hulumeni Gumede and Mrs. Zanele Magwaza-Msibi in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Her parents played all within their possible best to raise and shape her into an independent woman. Her mother is well-spoken and known for her involvement in political activism.

She hails from a comfortable household, both her dad and mum were political figures in the country. In 2017, the actress lost her father to a fatal road accident and it left her in overwhelming shock and grief.

He served in South African politics and was known for the roles he played and the positions he held. A notable position he held was in the KwaZulu-Natal assembly where he was a member.

Her mother wanted her daughter to study law instead of going into acting. But Gugu chose to enter the entertainment industry over practicing law. Her mother was supportive of her still and provided her with the support and help she needed.


She studied in prestigious primary and secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal located in South Africa. There she laid a solid foundation for her academics before she furthered.

She attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Los Angeles, California. At the academic institution, Gugu Gumede studied acting and drama.


After her studies were completed in the USA, she came back to the country in 2013. Her return came with many opportunities for the actress, her debut acting role was Mandisa in Generations. She played the role very well that many people fell in love with her character.

More acting opportunities came flooding in and the talented and beautiful actress landed another role in Uzalo. The role she was cast in the soap opera gained her prominence.

Many lovers of the show loved the character, Mamlambo, and the way she played it made it look real. The character is a bold, boyfriend-snatcher, gossip, opinionated, and loudmouthed lady.

Social Media

Across many media platforms, the actress is active and has connected with her fans and followers. The beautiful woman has also got much crushing on her with her looks. She shares pictures that would leave you admiring her beauty over and over again.

She loves to wear stunning dresses and shares them with followers who have something good to say each time. Have you seen Gugu Gumede without makeup? She has also appeared without wearing makeup and still, she appeared beautiful.

Personal Life

Gugu Gumede bio
She was born into the family of Mr. Simon Hulumeni Gumede and Mrs. Zanele kaMagwaza-Msibi. Unfortunately, her father is late, it is worthy of mentioning that her mother is a renowned freedom fighter.

Gugu Gumede is not married and is not a mother yet, she wears a personality on screen that is opposite her in reality. The actress is calm unlike her character in Uzalo which is loud-mouthed.

She is a shy, calm, and reticent person. She only gets comfortable when her close friends are around.

She is a Christian and very open about her faith. The actress is also a very reserved person. She rather keeps her matters to herself.

Net Worth

According to The Nation, Gugu Gumede has an estimated net worth of $600,000-$800,000. She has acquired so much from her acting profession.

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