Pool Safety Tips for parents with toddlers

If you’re a homeowner with a pool, you know there’s no better way to relax and spend time with your kids than hanging out by your pool. Especially in the summertime, your pool offers your friends and family a convenient way to cool down and have fun. Yet as much fun as a pool can be for a family, there is still the possibility of accidents and injuries. Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in children aged one to four.

There is no single preventative measure that will ensure 100% safety for your child, but there are many measures that you can take to create a safe space. This pool safety guide for parents incorporates many ways to keep children safe such as establishing rules, signing up for swim lessons and setting up pool barriers.

Establish Rules

One of the first precautions you can take to promote pool safety is to establish rules for the pool. These rules can include things such as no swimming without parent supervision and no running by the pool. Teaching children basic safety around pools can help keep them safe no matter where they go.

However, rules should not just be for the kids. Parents should set rules for themselves to follow to ensure the safety of children. Inadequate supervision and distractions are just as dangerous as if kids were on their own. There should always be an adult present to supervise the children. The adults that are also supervising should limit distractions such as keeping your cell phone away.

Sign Family Up For Swim Lessons

One of the most proactive swimming pool safety tips is to sign the family up for swim lessons. Children develop at different rates and won’t all be ready to learn to swim at the same age. When deciding to enroll your child in swimming lessons, make sure to take into account maturity, developmental abilities and level of comfort in the water.

Lessons can start as early as the age of one and are a great way to take the first step toward water safety. Swimming lessons not only provide good swimming habits for parents and children but also offer a form of play. By the age of four, most kids are ready to take on swimming lessons and learn basic water survival skills. When looking for a suitable class, make sure that experienced, qualified instructors teach various skills to keep children safe in and around the water.

Receive CPR Certification

CPR is not just for lifeguards and is another proactive way to ensure the safety of children. Knowing this skill gives you the ability to act immediately in case of an emergency. Waiting for an ambulance to arrive can mean the difference between life and death. Certified instructors teach courses in person and provide expert instruction for a reasonable price. CPR courses are available to the public, so it is easy for anyone to become certified. CPR training is great knowledge for any parent or guardian and is important to have if you own a pool.

Set up Pool Barriers

You should keep an eye on pool safety even when no one is actively swimming in the pool. Children are curious and can easily slip outside unnoticed. Neighboring kids may also come to the pool and end up falling in unbeknownst to anyone. Fencing is a great way to provide a barrier to ensure that no one can accidentally enter the pool. You can arrange fences in a way that prevents children from going over, under or through without proper supervision.

There are also many excellent pool safety products to consider. The WaterWarden fence is designed to make pool safety easy and attractive. Self-closing gates with magnetic latches are available to add another layer of protection. You can also an existing backyard gate with an alarm that will go off if accessed without authorization. YardGard offers a gate alarm that emits a signal whenever the gate opens, alerting you when children attempt to access an unsupervised pool.

Covering your pool is another great way to ensure that children cannot access pools without supervision. The WaterWarden series of pool safety nets and covers are designed to catch anyone that may take a tumble. Both are offered in various sizes and manufactured with durable materials to last for years to come.

In the event that leaving the pool cover off is more convenient, pool alarms can be a great way to alert parents to unsupervised swims. You can use alarms from PoolEye in aboveground and inground pools to detect subsurface wave detection. It is crucial to put layers of protection in place to prevent tragic incidents from happening.

Inspect Pool Drains/Covers Often

Many parents might not think to inspect drains and pool covers before letting their kids in or around a pool. The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Safety Act (VGB Act) exists to ensure that pools and spas have compliant drain covers to prevent entrapment hazards. While many pools today are compliant with this act, you should always confirm the safety of the drain before letting your children into the water.

Inspecting covers for rough or sharp edges can also prevent your children from getting caught. Ensure to help your kids tie back long hair and refrain from letting them wear swimsuits with long ties. Teaching children to avoid drains and filters is one of the best things that you as a parent can do to keep them safe.

Keep Chemicals and Supplies Out of Reach

Pool chemicals, like chlorine, are used to treat water for bacteria and other parasites. They are safe when used, stored and maintained appropriately. Without proper storage and cleaning techniques, these chemicals can lead to sickness and other hazards like fires.

Pool chemicals should be stored out of reach of children and away from other cleaners due to the potential for chemical reactions. Spills should be cleaned up immediately after the incident. It is essential to know how to handle, use and store your pool chemicals. You can request this information from your pool chemical dealer or find it in material safety data sheets.

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