Why does a simple wardrobe make sense? Ever had a closet full of clothes but you feel like you do not have enough clothes, or your clothes are just not good enough for that specific occasion? It is also important have clothes that you know you will be able to relate to and wear as often as you can.

One thing we need to acknowledge is that clothes give us a sense of confidence, receiving compliments about how you look makes you feel good about yourself and motivates you to do more.

Having a closet full of things that you like and relate to can be a life changing experience you never thought you needed. It actually helps you save time in wondering on what you are going to wear on your net occasion, be it formal or casual. You wont have to find yourself spending time trying to pen pieces together in order to get ready. That also gives you the confidence that you need in knowing that you’re able to assemble an outfit that actually looks dope. Having a simple wardrobe give you the platform to have a clear idea with how to rock your outfit with the items you already have in your disposal. Being disciplined and not having an edge to buy unnecessary clothes is a huge win in terms of you saving

Learn what quality looks like

Like the saying goes in most aspects of life, quality over quantity. Quality is all about the fabric and garment construction. When top-grade fabrics meet excellent construction, you get a garment that will last longer and age well. How can you tell? Begin by checking the garment construction which will depend on how well fabric pieces are stitched together. For example, when holding up and stretching the garment, light shouldn’t come through the seams. The threading on the seams should be tight and even.

Don’t impulse buy

It is really easy to see something on an influencer, or in a store window and think “oh I NEED that”.  Resist the temptation.  This is the equivalent of a hot and heavy crush and it WILL pass.

Avoid sale shopping

This ties into the rule above, but shopping sales is not really your best friend.  And you’re probably wondering what I have against saving money… But, that’s not it. The problem with shopping sales (especially big ones like Black Friday or Amazon Prime Day or god forbid the Net-a-porter annual event) is that your logic goes out the window.

Dress for your body size

“I don’t have any clothes I like right now, but I want to lose weight.”

Have you heard that one before? Maybe you’ve even said it before.

There are a lot of differing opinions about how you should shop when you hope to drop a couple of dress sizes. Some people buy smaller clothes as motivation.

The post HOW TO CREATE A CHIC AND AFFORDABLE WARDROBE appeared first on Entertainment SA - South African Entertainment News, Celebrity and Lifestyle Online Magazine & Entertainment.

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