3-year old beautiful girl that caught South Africa’s heart with Albany bread pictures

South Africans having been gushing over the beautiful little girl in rural KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) who was pictured carrying a loaf of Albany bread.

Named is Lethukukhanya Mjaji, the three-year-old girl has been part of the trends list this week, resulting in Albany getting her attention. The pictures that went viral we taken by her uncle, Lungisani Mjaji who is a commercial photographer and Tshwane University of Technology student.

There was also a video of Lethukukhanya that was shared on Lungisani’s business accounts, Innovative Photography, on various social media platforms. Very heart-warming, the video shows the little girl wearing a floral dress, running happily on a muddy dirt road and posing for the camera while holding the loaf of bread.

Lungisani Mjaji posted on his Twitter account saying: “Am [sic] Lungisani Mjaji, a commercial photography student from Tshwane University of Technology, sharing the untold story behind my viral photograph. The image is part of my project called “My Footprint,” aiming to capture the beauty of South Africa’s rural landscapes. Featuring my niece.”

The 26-year-old introduced the little girl on another post, and said: “Introducing Lethukukhanya Mjaji, my niece, Miss Albany, a 3-year-old student at Siphephile Creche. Despite her tender age, Lethukukhanya is exceptionally intelligent. At just 1 year old, she demonstrated an impressive ability to identify and name the months of the year.”

Albany paid Lethukukhanya’s family a visit and reports say that the branch managers brought with them blankets, lunch boxes and hampers that were enough to give to the other children in the area who often help him with his photography.

Lungisani also added that the company bought a gas stove for his grandmother. “The branch managers said that they were waiting for their bosses to let them know what would be the next step,” he added.

Main Image: iReport South Africa

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