Motivation and positivity are two things everyone on this earth searches for. Like a deer pants for water, we search for constant sources of reassurance. Much like plants and flowers, we need a ‘positive energy source’ to survive, and sometimes humans serve that purpose. Today, Antonio “Tony Talks” Baldwin is that superb energy source for us! We had a candid conversation with this gem of a human being, and he shared so much wisdom that anyone can grab a hold of. Grab a chair and get comfortable, because these life lessons are just too great to pass up!
We wanted to start out with something light, so we asked Tony, “If you could go back in time and have a conversation with your younger self, what would you say? What encouragement would you offer?”
He replied, “I would comfort my younger self. When I was younger, I desperately wanted a mentor of some sort to comfort me in knowing one day I would change the world! So, if I went back in time, I would let myself know that it’s all worth something and to keep striving to be different, and know that you will be rewarded in the future for it”.
Next, we decided to switch gears into a more personal direction. Tony is the perfect example of someone who knows what it means to know who you are and how you impact the world, while also remaining true to yourself. In a society where people are made to feel like they have to be the ‘next best influencer’ and ‘do just about anything to make it’, Tony details how he handles his lifestyle, his “bad days”, and he shares what he’d like us to remember about him as an individual.
“Being an influencer on social media is no easy feat. As someone who’s in the spotlight, what advice would you offer to someone who’s looking to break into the industry?”
“Honestly to not “look” for the spotlight. The spotlight will find you. People gravitate towards authenticity! I would comfort them in knowing what they are doing is enough as long as they’re consistent and authentic.”
“We know you’re someone who loves to embody freedom of expression, owning who you are, and ultimately showing up as your best self daily. However, everyone has those days when they just ‘cannot deal’ in life. How do you handle those days?”
“I love this question! On my good days, I fuel myself with ways to handle life in the event it wasn’t so good. For example, if I had a garden, on the days where look outside and see beautiful fruit growing, I acknowledge and reward myself for planting seeds in the first place, but also acknowledge that there may be a chance a stray animal can eat them. Doing this to my real life experience prepares me for both possible outcomes when achieving something and helps me deal with those “bad days”. However, I never have a bad day, just bad moments.”

“What is one thing that you want your viewers to know about you?”
“I would love for people to know that I’m just as awkward and cringy as them! Some people place this halo over me and expect my characters when they see me. I like to have fun and show out, but the most surprising thing people learn about me when we meet is how relatable and down to earth I actually am.”
“How do you wish to be remembered?”
“I want to remembered as a joyful soul that lived out its purpose on this planet. I want to be remembered for the smiles I left on peoples face
and for the smile they always see on mine!”
After we discussed the fact that beyond the screens, Tony is a regular human being just like us (he relates to us and understands us y’all!), Tony shared a bit about his plans to impact
the future, how he will continue to be a light in this world, his inspiration for his content, rejection, and inspiration overall. It is important to note that celebrities are no different than us ‘civilians’. We are all placed on this earth to do meaningful and impactful work, and Tony literally depicts that aspect everyday. He has his spotlight, but he knows that he has viewers looking to him for advice and umph to get through the day too. He understands our lives more than you may know!
“Do you see yourself spearheading a positivity movement in the future, in efforts to promote equality and acceptance?”
“Absolutely, however I wouldn’t wait until the future. There’s no better time than the present to spread as much love and light in every way you can. Whether it be with any of my family, friends, or supporters from social media, I always talk about the importance of being kind to each other as my platform has been built on love.”
“What motivates you to entertain the viewers you have, and put into practice unapologetic living?”
“What motivates me to continue to entertain my viewers is knowing that there are so many other people out there that sees me as a reflection of them, but may not have the confidence to follow through just yet. I want to continue to be an example that being yourself authentically can take you so far!”
“Rejection is inevitable in life, it’s something we all experience. If you could, please share your best practices on dealing with rejection and overcoming those experiences and feelings. How do you move past those instances?”
“Rejection can be difficult to deal with and I’ve struggled with it just like everyone else, but rejection is temporary and a someone saying no allows for a yes somewhere else. I personally deal with rejection by remembering it’s nothing that I’m doing wrong, but if there was any room for improvement, simply learn from it and move on!”

“Many people are inspired by you and your content. If any one of your viewers had a chance to spend a day with you, how would you spend that day? What words of wisdom would you provide if any?”
“I would spend that day filling them up with any wisdom and support that I have to offer! I would want to unlock and discover what’s something they want to do but just haven’t found the opportunity to do just yet and help the accomplish it! I would remind them that life is but a moment, and to make sure you live every moment to the best of your abilities!”
So as you can see, the people with “millions of followers” are just like you and I! They experience the same issues, mishaps, and life woes and ups that we do. The difference is, amazing people like Antonio never forget about us and how we’re impacted by their examples! He truly is the epitome of a down-to-earth talent, and you can feel the love with all of his work. If this conversation does nothing else, we hope it inspires you to literally be your best self, do not sweat what you cannot control, keep going, and most of all be you always!
The post Tony Talks” The Fine line Between Fame and Humanism appeared first on Entertainment SA - South African Entertainment News, Celebrity and Lifestyle Online Magazine & Entertainment.
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