TikTok has been on steroids with this new trend of the 19th theory that has a lot of people confused, as to what it is and if it is true or not. Well according to TikTok the 19th Theory is the man you meet when you’re 19 years old is the worst, most toxic person for you to be in a relationship with and that you need to run as far as possible. Is this true?

The 19th Theory is only gathered from informal personal experience, so this means it is not a proven fact. At 19 this is when you as a person are still in a development stage and in an era where you are still trying to explore who you are as a person, exploring your identity. This is the age that prepares for our young adult stages which come in at 21. Around the age of 19, yes, you may meet the person you think is the love of your life and the person you think you are going to spend your life with, however, that only happens rarely.

The people who started the 19th Theory do not understand that you can meet the most toxic and horrible person in your life at any age, However, the more mature and experienced you are in life the easier it will be to spot them.

Many GBV cases rise due to toxic and horrible relationships, that many keep overlooking in their partners and not leaving them at the first of the toxic relationship. In that same breath you need to understand that love can also find you at any stage in your life as well. As rare as it is to get to 19, especially in this generation it can still find you.

Couples who fall in love at nineteen and marry 25 or after 25 are most likely to have a longer marriage than the people who fall in love later and marry later, however again this doesn’t define who your life partner is going to be. Some people find their life partners after being married and divorced.

So, this should ease anyone’s mind when thinking that the man you meet at 19 could or could not be the one. Time rewards those who are patient to see the outcome of any situation and in love situations, you have no choice but to wait to see if that is the partner you want or do not want for the rest of your life. You are young and you will find love.

Main Image: Bussiness Insider

The post IS THE 19TH THEORY THAT HAS BEEN TRENDING ON TIKTOK REAL? appeared first on EntertainmentSA News South Africa.

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