Seems like there is trouble in paradise as the socialite and well-known influencer Mihlali Ndamase takes to her Instagram Stories, pictures of herself beaten/bruised up with the caption “Thank you my angel” also tagging her partner Leeroy Sidambe.

The couple is no stranger to trending as previously during their messy break up the couple was all over the internet and Mihlali made it a point that the world must know how she was the one with the money in the relationship, that she paid for all the trips she did with Leeroy. This story heats the social platform after a video of Leeroy enjoying himself in Dubai with other females.

In a surprising turn of events, Zimoja reported that the couple was reported to be back together around June 2024, even though their breakup was apparently due to the physical abuse that led to Mihlali having a sprained ankle.

According to Maphepha Ndaba, they asked Mihlai what had happened and if she was okay however she responded that she was not okay, but she would be fine, but nothing was going on.

When they asked Leeroy, he said “Do you honestly believe and think I would hit Mihlali?

“Rule number 01 is to never hit a woman. Do you honestly believe and think I hit Mihlali? Just zoom in and check if that hitting someone gets hurt like that. Think” 

We wait to hear Mihlali’s explanation of what happened and what or who bruised her.

Main Image: Briefly News

The post LEEROY ALLEGEDLY BEAT UP MIHLALI NDAMASE appeared first on EntertainmentSA News South Africa.

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