Ladies, we’ve all heard the wild excuses when it’s time to use a condom. “Baby, it doesn’t fit,” or “Baby, wearing a condom hurts me,” or the absolute worst: “Have you ever had a lollipop with a wrapper?” These excuses are part of the reason why infection rates are still sky-high. Let’s dive into it.

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HIV is a huge issue in our world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2023, an estimated 630,000 people died from HIV-related causes, and 1.3 million people tested positive for HIV.

Let’s be clear: there is NO CURE for HIV. Our generation fears pregnancy but overlooks the rising infections, especially during our fun, groovy times. There are plenty of other diseases out there waiting for you to slip.


WHO reports over 2.2 million new cases of Gonorrhea and 3.9 million new cases of Syphilis.

Syphilis, a bacterial infection, spreads through unprotected anal, vaginal, and oral sex, and also through sharing infected needles or injection equipment. Even though Syphilis can be cured, trust us—you don’t want to catch it.


Symptoms of Syphilis:

  • Painless sore: Forms on your genitals, rectum, or mouth.
  • Rash: After the sore heals, a skin rash develops.
  • Primary Syphilis: The first stage occurs within 12 weeks of exposure, with a small, painless sore (chancre) on your genitals or mouth.
  • Secondary Syphilis: If untreated, you can pass it on through sex. A rash spreads all over your body, including your palms and soles, along with fever, fatigue, muscle aches, weight loss, headaches, hair loss, and swollen lymph nodes.

Prevention is Key

The best way to protect yourself is simple: use condoms, don’t share needles, and avoid any blood exchange. Fear of having a child shouldn’t be your only concern—many deadly diseases are lurking in the dark. Please stay safe and don’t let them find you!

Main Image: Aidsmap

The post WHEN CONDOMS DON’T FIT: THE CRAZY EXCUSES MEN MAKE AND SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES. appeared first on EntertainmentSA News South Africa.

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