Administration Controller urgently required: APPLY HERE

Administration Controller urgently required: APPLY HERE

Kern doel van die pos:
Die doel van die pos is om van die begin van ‘n transaksie tot die einde te verseker alle komponente van die transaksie korrek hanteer is. Die spreiveld behoort aan die einde van elke transaksie (i.e na betaling ontvang is) ‘n wins/verlies aan te dui

Minimum Vereistes:
Graad 12

B –Graad of Diploma in Landbou Ekonomie sal voordelig wees

1-2 Jaar toepaslike ondervinding


Goeie kommunikasie- en taalvaardighede in Afrikaans en Engels;

Rekenaarvaardig (MS word, excel)

Vermoë om onder druk te werk

Goeie interpersoonlike vaardighede

Rekenkundige insig


ESC – Uitreik van Safex en Silo sertifikate, kanselasies van sertfikate (Asook fakture uitreik vir opbergkoste)

Fisiese lewerings aan JSE

SAFEX Vooraad bevestiging (15de) (Maandeliks)

Kontrak bestuur & kontrole (Daagliks): (Graan en Lusern)

Geliewe u aansoek as onsuksesvol te beskou indien u nie binne 14 dae van ons verneem het nie.

Main purpose of the position:

The purpose of the post is to ensure that all components of the transaction are handled correctly from the beginning of a transaction to the end. The spreadsheet should indicate a profit/loss at the end of each transaction (ie after payment is received)

Minimum Requirements:

Grade 12

B Degree or Diploma in Agricultural Economics will be advantageous

1-2 years of relevant experience

Valid driver’s license

Skills :

Sound communication and language skills in Afrikaans and English;

Computer literate ( MS Word, Excel)

Good interpersonal skills

Accounting insight

Numeric skills

Ability to work under pressure


ESC – Issuing of Safex and Silo certificates, cancellation of certificates (As well as issuing invoices for storage costs)

Physical deliveries to JSE

SAFEX Stock Confirmation (15th) (Monthly)

Contract management & control (Daily): (Grain and Lucerne)

Please consider your application unsuccessful if you have not heard from us within 14 days. Apply Now

Source: ijobs

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