Police Minister Bheki Cele on Saturday promised a Khayelitsha community that justice will be served for Bulelani Qholani, but residents are not convinced.
The community said politicians have failed to deliver on promises before.
Cele and the Western Cape provincial police commissioner visited the Ethembeni community.
This comes after law enforcement officers this week demolished four structures because they were illegally erected on city-owned land in the area.
During the operation, Qholani was hauled out of his home naked, sparking widespread outrage.
A member of the Khayelitsha Community Action Network Axolile Ntyowala said: “We’re not naïve. Politicians have made promises before. The next step for us will be to engage with them so that we can provide all the necessary evidence.”
Qholani has laid criminal charges against the law enforcement officers. Cele has told the community the case is a top priority.
Ntyowala called for the City of Cape Town officials to be held accountable.
“Law enforcement officers are receiving orders. Those who give orders must be prosecuted.”
The City has launched an internal investigation, as well as an external investigation. Four law enforcement officers have been suspended.
#KhayeliyshaEviction Police Minister Beki Cele has arrived. JK pic.twitter.com/1WQjmMF5rj
— EWN Reporter (@ewnreporter) July 4, 2020
In other news – A public figure, come on – Mihlali Ndamase blasted for crying for food
Fresh off hitting the number one position on the Twitter trends list, Mihlali Ndamase is back at again, and tweeps are calling her out for being spoilt.
In consecutive posts shared on Friday, 3 July 2020, the beauty blogger tweeted, “I had such a busy day I’m only getting a chance to eat now” and, “Guys, I’m sooooo hungry I wana cry.” continue reading
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