Watch: Moments before Ginimbi’s car accident

Zimbabwe woke up to sad news that one of the most prominent socialites and businessman, Genius ‘Ginimbi’ Kadungure died following a freaky accident that took place in the early hours of Sunday along the Borrowdale Road in the capital.

Ginimbi, as he was affectionately known, was speeding down Borrowdale Road when he got involved in a head-on collision with an oncoming Honda Fit.

He was thrown out of his Rolls Royce Rave after the high-speed crash before the super vehicle burst into flames which engulfed the other passengers.

3 other passengers who were with Kadungure died on the spot and are yet to be identified but reports say popular fitness bunny and socialite Mimi Moana is one of the deceased.

Ginimbi was coming from his business establishment, Dreams Night Club, situated in the CBD where he had been partying all night.

Through his ‘My life, Your TV’ lifestyle he projected so much on Instagram, was able to capture some of his last moments leading to his death.

At midnight, Ginimbi left his home in Domboshava for his club.

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In other news – Former Generations actress Thuli Phongolo fired over her housemaid who works until 12 midnight

DJ and former Generations: The Legacy actress Thuli Phongolo has come under fire on social media after her post about maids rubbed people the wrong way and backfired against her.

Thuli Phongolo

The actress played the role of Namhla Diale, the daughter of Lucy Diale (Manaka Ranaka) on the soap opera Generations: The Legacy between 2014 and 2018. Learn More

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