Police Minister Bheki Cele on Wednesday said that more than 20,000 people had been caught breaking lockdown regulations over the past two weeks alone.
He said that he was particularly concerned by the refusal of many to wear their masks, adding that 7,455 citizens had been apprehended since 29 December for endangering their own lives and those around them by refusing to cover up.
Police ministry spokesperson Lirandzu Themba said: “These arrests were made despite people continuously being told to wear their masks. Wearing masks is mandatory and people caught without one in public are committing a criminal offence. Wearing a mask is both for your safety and the safety of those around you.”
More than 800 others were handcuffed for buying or selling alcohol.
These arrests bring the number of people caught breaking the rules since the start of the lockdown last year to 342,000.
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The post Over 20 000 people arrested for breaking lockdown rules in past 2 weeks, says Bheki Cele first appeared on News365.co.za.
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