Police Minister Bheki Cele is challenging the high court ruling that Norma Mngoma’s arrest was unlawful. Cele has lodged an application for leave to appeal.
Last month, Judge Cassim Sardiwalla ruled that the Hawks had acted with malice when arresting Mngoma, the estranged wife of former cabinet minister Malusi Gigaba. The judge said the Hawks appeared to have been motivated by an abuse of power by Gigaba.
But Cele says the decision to apply for a warrant of arrest was not unlawful and that, at best, a court might find it was irrational.
In July last year, Gigaba laid charges of crimen injuria and malicious damage to property against Mngoma, claiming she damaged a Mercedes G Wagon.
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SK Khoza shared an image of himself giving a sneak peek into what his backside looks like. Many were startled by his bravery to share such a picture but some appreciated it. Learn more
Source: eNCA
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