Getting to know adult film star Xoli Mfeka

Gone are the days when s.e.x used to be taboo and Africans used to be fearful of being judged when engaging in anything that is seen as explicit. We have recently been introduced to a young lady by the name of Xolisile Mfeka, Xoli is one brave lady and has just embarked on a journey most would rather shy away from. She took a plunge and decided to become an adult film star and this seems to be reaping rewards for her.

Xoli used to be a fitness bunny and in that mist, she would sell herbal life to people who aspired to join the fitness journey both male and females. She recently went to macg’s podcast and bared her soul and this has seemed to have made her gain a lot of followers and people going to her only fans account to subscribe. This has obviously made her a lot of cash, as she is already making around R80,000 every month. This has brought a lot of hate and people judging her but she does not seem to care at all.


Bushiri is currently doing God’s work in China even though is still a wanted man in South Africa. The bishop and wife are charged with fraud and money laundering. They are accused of defrauding congregants of his Enlightened Christian Gathering Church an amount of...learn more

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