Popular gospel artist falls victim to s.e.xual assault

A former TV actress and gospel artist is furious after a primary school principal in Gauteng allegedly s.e.xually harassed her.

The first incident allegedly happened on 8 July.

The artist told a local publication she met the principal outside a supermarket.

“He started proposing love to me. I turned him down but he didn’t give up. He suggested we go to a hotel. I refused and told him his conduct was not welcome. I thought he’d stop but he didn’t, he insisted that he wanted me. He then suggested I get inside his car and again, I refused,” she said.

“Every time I met him at school he’d pass sexual remarks. He’d say I mustn’t ignore my feelings for him. He even promised to give me gigs at the school but I turned him down. He promised me these things because he knew I was an artist and he was using that to take advantage of me.”

She claimed that some weeks later, her son’s class teacher started mistreating him. “I approached one of senior employees at the school. I was told to address the matter with the principal. Because of the principal’s conduct, I chose not to inform him.”

She reported it to the district, but didn’t get help.

“My son will suffer most because I turned his principal down. I want to move him to another school where he can be treated right. I am speaking because I want him to stop. I also want the Department of Education to know what we’re faced with at this school,” she said.

But the principal denied everything, saying: “I know this parent and I know she’s an artist. I’ve only met her once outside a supermarket and we spoke about her son. I’ve had no other communication with her other than that.”

Gauteng Education spokesman Steve Mabona said the incident was reported to them. “The department would like to confirm that the allegations were brought to our attention on Friday, 22 October. An investigation into circumstances surrounding these allegations has been launched.

“Our psycho-social team will render counselling to her and her son and other support, as we deal with the matter. As the department, we do not take kindly to any form of sexual harassment and are prepared to act against any perpetrator within the scope of the basic education sector in Gauteng.”


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The post Popular gospel artist falls victim to s.e.xual assault appeared first on News365.co.za.

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