Watch: Woman shows off her 30cm long nails

A woman is making waves on social media with her extremely long nails.

Cordelia Adams, 59, who stays in Indiana, has been growing her nails since 1989 and the nails are now 32cm long.

The nail technician and make-up artist uses her knuckles instead of her fingertips for many of the chores she has to do.

She says the nails fall back when she works.

“They fall back over my arm .So when I’m holding something, they are out of the way, completely out of the way,” she told ‘Hooked on the Look’.

As expected, her nails turn heads wherever she goes, and she says she has been enjoying the attention.

“The best thing about having the super long nails is the attention,” she says.

Her TikTok videos have also gone viral, receiving millions of views.

“I joined TikTok in the middle of the pandemic, and I was just doing it for fun because I saw people doing fun antics on there, so I decided to try it. The video of mine that went viral, which has 17 million views, was simply a handwashing video. I like it. Even though a lot of the time the comments are negative, I like it. I enjoy answering them back,” she told Hooked on the Look video. ‘

Watch her in action below:

Main Image: Turkey Post

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