It is always frustrating to not see results, especially when you believe that you have invested and given your all in trying to achieve them  You’re doing everything right and your diet isn’t working. You’re not eating a lot, but you’re still gaining weight. Is it your fault? Are you doing something wrong? Did you choose the wrong weight loss plan? Are you simply meant to be overweight? The answer to all of those questions is probably no.

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Reasons That Your Diet Isn’t Working

There are many factors that affect your daily calorie intake. Any of them could be the reason that you can’t lose weight, no matter what. It may be likely that the problem is a combination of several factors. Evaluate each of the following to see where you can make adjustments, but be sure to chat with a registered dietitian or another healthcare provider to determine your personal needs.


Feeling hungry is the most obvious reason that we eat. But oddly, it is often not why we eat. If you find yourself eating too often or eating meals that are too big, you may not be eating enough at each meal or you may not have the right combination of nutrients to keep you satisfied.

Pick foods that are higher in fiber and build meals around protein. Additionally, including a source of heart-healthy fat (think: olive oil, nuts, or chia seeds), will also help you to feel full longer.


Mindless eating happens when we’re bored and we need a distraction. It’s one of the most common reasons we eat when we’re not hungry.3 So what’s the solution? Find another distraction (call a friend or go for a walk) or try to determine if you are truly hungry versus eating out of habit or boredom by making a tea or drinking water first.

Low-Fat Pitfalls

Foods that are high in fat often contain more calories than low-fat foods, however, they also provide greater satisfaction or satiety when eaten in proper portions. Low-fat foods may sound like a healthier option, but this may provide a false health halo and therefore may lead you to consume the low-fat food in greater quantities than a higher fat option. Be aware of these differences and choose appropriate portions for all foods based on your fullness and satiety cues.

The post REASONS YOUR DIET ISN’T WORKING appeared first on Entertainment SA - South African Entertainment News, Celebrity and Lifestyle Online Magazine & Entertainment.

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