New rules announced for the opening of cinemas and theatres

The Ministry of Sport, Arts and Culture has announced a new set of rules for the opening of cinemas and theatres following the decision to move the country to Level 1.

Last week the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture Nathi Mthethwa published directions on the gatherings related to sport, arts and cultural activities.

The directions published by the Minister provides that sport, arts and cultural activities, including both professional and non-professional matches by recognised sporting bodies, are allowed to resume activities with no spectators at the venue or precinct of the venue.

Everybody must be subjected to testing in case of professional sport and screening in terms of non-professional sport.

The sport body must ensure that all measures must be in place before any resumption of sporting activities.

“International sporting, arts and cultural events involving countries with low or medium Covid-19 infection transmission rates are allowed, subject to the list provided in terms of the Directions from Home Affairs.

“International sporting events are allowed without spectators, subject to compliance with measures as outlined in the Directions and other legislations.

Ster-Kinekor cinemas

“International arts and cultural events are allowed subject to compliance with all provisions of the directions and other legislations.

“International sporting, arts and cultural events involving countries with high Covid-19 infection rates are not allowed,” Ministry of Sport, Arts and Culture’s Mickey Modisane said.

He said a sport body must ensure that every person in the travelling team provides a negative Covid-19 test result that has been obtained no more than 72 hours prior to the date of travel.

If a person in the travelling team is unable to produce a negative Covid-19 test result, that person is quarantined at his or her own cost.

“The sport body must comply with the provisions of the National Sport and Recreation: (d) Act, 1998 (Act No. 110 of 1998), the Bidding and Hosting of International Sporting and Recreational Events Regulations and the Safety at Sport and Recreational Events Act, 2010 (Act No. 2 of 2010); and (e) compliance with all relevant legislation and municipal by laws,” Modisane said.

He said cinemas are allowed to operate, limited to 50 percent of the capacity per cinema.

Theatres will be limited to 50 percent of the capacity per venue.

Fitness centres and swimming pools are limited to 50 percent of the capacity per venue, subject to compliance with provisions of the directions including among others wearing the mask or cloth that can cover mouth and face, adherence to social distancing, screening and others.

Modisane said gatherings at the following places or premises are allowed subject to strict compliance with health protocols and social distancing: sports grounds and fields; beaches and public parks; and museums, galleries, libraries and archives.

Concerts and live performances are limited to 250 persons or less in case of an indoor gathering and 500 persons or less in case of an outdoor gathering.

“Provided that no more than 50 percent of the capacity of the venue is used, with persons observing a distance of least one and a half metres from each other, subject to compliance with provisions of these directions and other legislations,” Modisane said.

The venues must be cleaned and everyone entering such venues is subject to screening. Everyone must wear the mask or cloth that cover mouth and nose at all times;

Hands must be washed every time and the venue must be sanitised;

“The compliance officer must be appointed; all people entering the venue must sign attendance register; and all people entering the venues must be screened for temperature (noting that participants including match officials at non professional sport must be screened before resumption of such activities).

“At Level 1 there is no need for submission of plans for the consideration and approval of the Minister of Sport Arts and Culture. The sports bodies must ensure that their plans to mitigate the risks are in place and among others, they comply with all the matters,” Modisane said.

He said their department will deploy officials to monitor compliance with the directions and such officials shall be given a special identity document.

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Source: IOL

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