Basic Education Dept: Pupils safer at schools during COVID-19 third wave

Amid a COVID-19 third wave, the Department of Basic Education said that pupils were safer at schools than anywhere else.

The department said that it was worried about the impact further disruptions would have on learners.

The Department of Basic Education’s Elijah Mhlanga said that closing schools was not the answer.

“Closing schools is just a simplistic view. Those who want closure must look into the future and see if these kids can go into a second year of no effective learning. What is going to happen to them?” asked Mhlanga.

He said that it was best for pupils to remain at school where safety measures were in place.

“Outside in the street when schools are closed, there is no control, there’s no supervision. The children are playing all day, no one sees what they’re doing, they can go get the virus and transfer it to each other,” Mhlanga added.

Mhlanga said that the already shortened curriculum had put pupils under major academic pressure.

“When the parents don’t have the ability to teach their children, they are not even able to support them with curriculum work. And because of that, the learning loss itself doubles and multiplies, and kids are left behind,” he said.

He added that parents and adults should take responsibility and limit gatherings as it was unfair for pupils to bear the brunt.


In other news – Basetsana Kumalo’s husband Romeo allegedly in s.e.x scandal with top gay celebrity

It was like a TV drama series this week at the Randburg magistrate’s court in Joburg when self-proclaimed television mogul and former Miss South Africa Basetsana Kumalo and her husband Romeo appeared as complainants in their case against author Jackie Phamotse.

Basetsana Kumalo and Romeo

Phamotse faces two charges of crimen injuria over a tweet she posted on June 5, 2018 alleging that she overheard a TV mogul and former Miss South Africa pleading with one of her friends, Learn More

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